Sunday, July 1, 2012

PBT is back!

You might have noticed that the tour site has been on semi-hiatus for the past few months. But now we are back and we're better than ever! Aside from the new layout (which we are still tinkering, by the way) and the new logo *points up* we are making a few changes on the tours, so please before you sign up for any of the tours, check the updated RULES page first!

To summarize, here are the changes we made:
  • We will be sending you the tour info BEFORE the tour starts, which will include the following:
    • Date when your review / guest post and/or interview must be posted
    • Date when you must mail out the book
    • Mailing details of the next person on tour
  • You will only have the book for 3 DAYS, and then you need to pass it on to the next person on the tour.
  • We are now limiting the number of tours participant can sign up to per month. You can now sign up to ONLY 3 tours per month. You need to finish all three tours before you can sign up for new tours again.
  • You do not need to fill out a form for tours, we just require you to leave a comment on the tour page and make sure that you have filled out the form for reviewers. We need your mailing and contact details.
  • WE ARE ACCEPTING NEW REVIEWERS! Fill out the sign up sheet to be a part of Pinoy Book Tours' reviewer pool! Remember, you must be a Filipino with an active book blog to be eligible for the tours.
What's new with PBT:

We will also be sending out monthly newsletters to everyone! If you're a little bit pressed for time and can't visit the website for some reason, you can still sign up for tours via the newsletter we will be sending! It will include:
  • Book tours available for the month as well as their corresponding sign-up forms
  • Tour Progress (who gets what book and who's turn it is to read/post reviews)
  • PBT News and Updates

Tours in the upcoming months are shown in the slider at the blog homepage. Sign-ups for these tours will be opened soon:

- The Forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse
- Spark (Elementals #2) by Brigid Kemmerer
- The Torn Wing (The Faerie Ring #2 by Kiki Hamilton
- Guardian (Halflings #2) by Heather Burch
- Flash Point by Nancy Kress